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Health at Every Size © and Eating Disorder Recovery

Health at Every Size © and Eating Disorder Recovery

What does it really mean to be healthy or unhealthy? In reality, no matter what size you are, each body type can be healthy or unhealthy. Weight is not an inherent health indicator.

I’ll say that again for everyone in the back: Weight is not an inherent health indicator.

When we perpetuate false information and assumptions onto our bodies or others’ bodies, we are furthering toxic diet culture notions. The diet industry makes millions of dollars by feeding into this shame, fear, and general unhappiness towards our bodies to profit. This can lead to terrible ramifications, including perpetuating eating disorders. Furthermore, disordered eating isn’t exclusive to any one body type.

So, where do we start? How do we get to a place where we feel positive — or even better, neutral — about body types? A critical key and first step to take is that we have to accept that health can occur at any size.