no contact — Therapy for Anxiety and Depression | Long Beach | Seal Beach — Couples Therapy | Anxiety | Depression | Marriage Counseling | LGBTQ+ | Long Beach | Seal Beach | 562-704-4736

no contact

No Contact: Navigating the Decision to Cut Ties

No Contact: Navigating the Decision to Cut Ties

Like many pop psychology terms, people really throw around the idea of “going no contact.” It can be tempting to cutting ties with someone in your most heated moment — and it’s true, it can ultimately be beneficial to move on with your life.

But if you value community care, and wanting to do right by the people in your life, it can be confusing to figure out when and if it’s the right decision, and how to ethically do it.

What does going no contact actually mean and how can it help or harm you? How do you know if it’s the right decision for you? Have you truly done all you can - and should you?